Sunday, August 3, 2008


Would you like to know what is giving me my chuckle for the day? These people who have blogs against Jon and Kate Plus 8. Every single one of them claim that they have only watched one episode and then never watched it again. But how did you know that Kate threatened to take away Collin's teddy bear if they did something they are not suppost to again? How did you know that Jon gave Leah gum on the ski trip? How did you know that they always play in their driveway? So If I were you people, I would just stop your blogs. They are no use. People don't like hypocrites.



Unknown said...

You're a bit of a jacknut. I am sure you haven't read all the blogs and forums about J & K. Your blanket statements are as bad as the people you criticize so easily.

Change said...

Jacknut is a funny word.